Our Practice

Founded in 2019, our mission is to make the world a brighter and more inclusive place for all.

Become certified today to become recognized as a Diverse Supplier. Once you have your certification you will be able to unlock new opportunities once unavailable to you. Certification does not guarantee new contracts, but it will provide you with a badge representing your commitment to an inclusive diverse work culture.

If you have the diversity: showcase it


Of minority owned businesses are certified by an agency like ours.


Of procurement departments state supplier diversity is a high to medium priority

Don't pass on certification!

We invite you to learn more about why it is good sense to make your organization a Certified Diverse Supplier if your ownership meets our critera.


North American organizations have supplier diversity programs


Track for budget spent towards diverse suppliers

Our Certification Services

We invite you to learn more about why it is good sense to make your organization a Certified Diverse Supplier if your ownership meets our critera.

Sustainable today, for tomorrow

“At its essence, sustainability means ensuring prosperity and environmental protection without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. A sustainable world is one where people can escape poverty and enjoy decent work without harming the earth’s essential ecosystems and resources; where people can stay healthy and get the food and water they need; where everyone can access clean energy that doesn’t contribute to climate change; where women and girls are afforded equal rights and equal opportunities.”

— UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon